Intertherm Mac 2454 Furnace Manual

I have a intertherm furnace MAC 1155 the heat censors that allows the fan to turn on has gone bad. Can I find the part? I have been told that they do not make this part any longer. It is a 3 prong type for a MAC 1165, MAC 1155 also has a #42001. (MAC 1165 & 1168) Intertherm Furnace Manual Mac 1175 MAC 1175 Series Furnace. Models: MAC 1175: Also See: Miller / Nordyne / Intertherm Components: Note: Caution! There are no returns on furnace parts. # DESCRIPTION MFG# PART# PRICE 1: Assembly, Cabinet - Complete 4190800- 2: Gasket, Upper Flue Pipe 6880940- 3 Radiator. Intertherm / Nordyne Flame Rollout Switch 626605 Intertherm / Nordyne Rocker Switch 632338 'Auto / Fan On' rocker switch. Fits M1 furnace. ALU: F-1008-74 Intertherm / Nordyne Replacement Switch 632337. The search bar at the top of Intertherm MMHA Series Furnace Manual. Product Tricia's Compilation for 'furnace manuals for a intertherm' 80B Aero Burner R.W. Beckett The Carlin Co. Riello Burners Intertherm FURNACE ROOM ODORS In the Intertherm furnaces come with a 1-year parts and labor warranty, and there is a 10-year heat exchanger warranty. 16: Control - Fan & Limit, New Style Control - Before 8/71, Fan & Limit Limit Switch Only - f/626017 Fan & Switch: 617-649 240 17. Home Help Resources Furnace Parts Breakdown PDFs Find Replacement Parts List breakdowns for all of the Intertherm / Nordyne / Miller furnaces we carry: E3, M1, M3 and M7. Just select the model you have. Intertherm-furnace-manual-model-e2eb-015hb 1/2 Downloaded from on December 13, 2020 by guest Book Intertherm Furnace Manual Model E2eb 015hb When somebody should go to the book stores, search launch by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic. This is why we provide the books compilations in this website.


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International Furnace Model Mac 1175


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Intertherm Mac 2460

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